Friday, May 7, 2010

Samsung Starts in Action at the World Mobile

Jakarta - Penetration of Samsung in the mobile industry started to look tajinya. In the first quarter of 2010, vendors from South Korea occupies the highest market share in the market of the United States (U.S.).

Unfortunately, the research firm comScore report does not mention what percentage achieved by Samsung. Quoted from Electronista, Saturday (08/05/2010), the report mentions only the percentage of decline in market share of Samsung and its competitors are ranked.

Results are ranked Motorola achieved a minor decline in the first quarter of 2010 was. They lost 1.6 percent market share.

Another competitor, LG, though not showing significant growth but tend to be stable. Its market share in the U.S. in the first quarter this year rose slightly compared to last year, which amounted to 0.1 percent.

What about Nokia? Although a favorite handset vendors worldwide, in fact Nokia have experienced a slump of 0.9 percent and fell to fourth position.

BlackBerry manufacturer RIM is showing the most rapid growth among the top five mobile phone vendors. Its market share rose 1.3 percent over the previous quarter.

While Apple, should be satisfied with sitting in sixth position. Wall Street Journal reported, a company based in San Francisco is occupying five percent share in the U.S. mobile market. By comparison, competitors RIM and Nokia tightening each portion occupies 8.3 per cent.

Still, Apple is indeed known as a premium handset manufacturers have never lost prestige in any new product launch.

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