Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Samsung Cell Phone Use Android 50%

Enchantment Android Samsung seems to have been bewitched. South Korean phone vendor is also going to use Android in ensuring most of the smart phone range.

Samsung reveals 50% take their new smartphone will use the Android open-source OS. Prestige of the operating system continue to soar ever since it was released at the end of 2008.

Step Samsung is spelled 'Unique'. Because, they actually already have their own operating system named Bada. But it was the opportunity given to the Bada Samsung fewer than Android.

If Android is believed to work 50% Anyar Samsung smart phone, the Bada only 33%. Bada himself was released in December last year.

Not yet unknown proportion of remaining 17% will use what operating system. But many who suspect Samsung will hold Windows Phone 7, as quoted and detikNET, Wednesday (05/05/2010).

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